MSHA: 8 miners died in third quarter of 2014

Arlington, VA – Eight miners were killed on the job from July 1 to Sept. 30, bringing the total number of fatalities in 2014 to 30, the Mine Safety and Health Administration announced Oct. 28.
MSHA released the numbers as part of its third-quarter fatality data, and included detailed reports of each incident. Five fatalities were recorded in metal and non-metal mining: Two miners died in powered haulage incidents, one died in an electrical incident, one was killed by falling material and one died from a fall.
The coal-mining industry recorded three fatalities. The deaths were attributed to an underground electrical incident, a machinery incident at a surface operation and a powered haulage incident, respectively.
Through three quarters, MSHA is on pace to record 40 fatalities for the year, compared with 42 fatalities in 2013, 36 in 2012 and 37 in 2011.