CSB aims to increase transparency

Washington – The Chemical Safety Board is taking steps to improve transparency and accountability after a turbulent year that included two contentious congressional hearings and the forced resignation of former Chairman Rafael Moure-Eraso.
On May 6, CSB issued a proposed rule in the Federal Register that would allow for more public dialogue. The agency is proposing to add at least four public meetings every year in the nation’s capital. In addition, CSB would be required to consider notation votes at public meetings within 90 days.
CSB member Mark Griffon said the agency would provide advance notice for all topics discussed. The push for more openness in CSB governance follows a recent change in leadership. Moure-Eraso resigned March 26 after politicians from both sides of the aisle called for him to be ousted amid allegations that included conducting government business on private email accounts, intimidating colleagues and overseeing surprise votes that increased the scope of the chairman’s power.
President Barack Obama has nominated Vanessa Sutherland to replace Moure-Eraso. Sutherland must be confirmed by the Senate.