NIOSH wants to study vehicle crashes in oil and gas industry

Photo: RGtimeline/iStock/Thinkstock
Atlanta – NIOSH is proposing a survey to assess factors associated with motor vehicle crashes among oil and gas extraction workers.
The three-year project would involve distributing a questionnaire on general safety and health concerns to about 625 oil and gas extraction workers in Texas, North Dakota and a state in the Appalachian Basin. Workers who drive as part of their job would receive additional questions about their driving environment and behaviors.
In addition to determining on- and off-duty factors that could contribute to motor vehicle crashes, the study aims to identify other safety and health concerns extraction workers may face. Results from the study will be used as a guide in the development of interventions and future research to improve oil and gas workers’ safety and health.
Of the 82 extraction workers killed in 2013, more than one-quarter died in transportation incidents, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The proposal was published in the July 10 Federal Register. Comments are due Sept. 8.