NSC recognizes highest achievers in safety

San Diego — The National Safety Council recognized individuals and organizations for their achievements in safety during its annual National Awards Celebration on Monday at the NSC 2019 Congress & Expo.
Honorees include:
Rising Stars of Safety – Recognizes safety professionals younger than 40 for their leadership and dedication to producing safety initiatives and measurable results.
James A. Solomon Defensive Driving Courses Instructor of the Year – The annual honor for the best teacher in the council’s DDC program went to Jaime Lucero of the Colorado State Patrol Family Foundation.
Joseph M. Kaplan Safe Drivers of the Year – Honoring professional drivers for at least 15 consecutive years or 250,000 consecutive miles traveled without a preventable collision.
Community Advancement Awards – Given to organizations that show commitment to safety at work and contribute to safety in their communities.
Corporate Culture of Safety Awards – Honors member organizations that have received at least 50 awards from the NSC Awards Program.
Workplace Safety Awards – Recognizes collective safety achievements and the implementation of effective safety policies and procedures.
“We were thrilled to welcome safety leaders to our National Awards Celebration at [the expo],” NSC President and CEO Lorraine M. Martin tweeted Wednesday. “It was a great night to honor these individuals and organizations for their dedication to saving lives and preventing injuries.”