Red-light cameras reduce crashes: study
College Station, TX – Red-light cameras are effective at preventing crash-related deaths and injuries, indicates a report (.pdf file) released Aug. 2 by the Texas Transportation Institute.
The study compared crash frequency at 275 Texas intersections equipped with red-light cameras during the three years before and after their installation. Overall, 633 fewer crashes were recorded while red-light cameras were in use. In the year immediately following the installation of the cameras, crash frequency dropped 23 percent.
Reductions were seen in all types of crashes and on all types of roadways. Crashes specifically related to red lights declined 25 percent, and the most severe type of right-angle or T-bone crashes dropped 32 percent.
“This new research adds to the overwhelming body of evidence showing the lifesaving benefits of red-light safety cameras,” said David Kelly, president and executive director of the Washington-based National Coalition for Safer Roads. “We know that the increased use of red-light safety cameras is making drivers more aware of their behavior, reducing accidents and saving lives.”
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