Think emergency preparedness with daylight saving time, association advises

Setting your clocks back one hour on Nov. 7 for daylight saving time provides a great reminder for families to ensure they are prepared for an emergency, the American Public Health Association said this week.

To make sure your household is prepared for an emergency, Washington-based APHA recommends:

  • Check your stockpiles and make sure your supplies of items such as food, water and batteries are still good.
  • Gather extra supplies for pets.
  • Collect medications in one place and make sure you have enough for a few days.
  • Reacquaint yourself with your home and community's preparedness plans, including evacuation routes, emergency shelters and the location of food banks.
  • Update your family's communication plan on how to get in touch with one another during an emergency.
Get Ready: Set Your Clocks, Check Your Stocks is the association's biannual campaign to encourage emergency preparedness.

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