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Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency won’t regulate the manufacture, processing and distribution of lead wheel weights, citing “extremely low risk” of lead exposure and an ongoing phaseout of the equipment.
Saint Paul, MN — Minnesota OSHA will establish a working group to assist the state’s Department of Labor and Industry in revising regulations on lead exposure for both general industry and construction.
Research Triangle Park, NC — To help protect workers who engage in mold cleanup and treatment, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences’ Worker Training Program has updated its guidance document.
Washington — As the Environmental Protection Agency considers regulating the manufacture, processing and distribution of lead wheel weights, it’s seeking stakeholder feedback on how workers and families may be exposed to lead.
Cincinnati — Workers replacing old water service lines may be exposed to lead piping or lead-contaminated soil – and could bring the metal home, a new NIOSH guidance document cautions.
Washington — In response to multiple stakeholder requests, OSHA has extended until Oct. 28 the comment period on a proposed rule that would revise the agency’s standards on occupational exposure to lead in general industry and construction.
Washington — OSHA is requesting public comment on a proposed rule that would revise the agency’s standards on occupational exposure to lead in general industry and construction.
Sacramento, CA — Workers with high blood lead levels will now have their cases referred to the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health – or Cal/OSHA – for review and possible action, under legislation signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Oct. 10.
Lansing, MI — Michigan has become the first state to lower permissible blood lead levels – by as much as half – to protect workers, the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently announced.