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Washington — OSHA will collaborate with the Environmental Protection Agency on its work to manage existing chemicals under Section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Washington — Clouds of anhydrous ammonia – which is toxic when inhaled – may not be visible “if the cloud does not condense sufficient atmospheric moisture,” the Chemical Safety Board warns.
Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a final rule intended to ensure workers “have access to clear and consistent information about the risks they may face from toxic substances.”
Geneva — United Nations Special Rapporteur Baskut Tuncak is urging governments and businesses around the world to adopt a series of principles intended to protect workers who are exposed to hazardous substances and provide solutions for violations of their rights.
Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency has updated its online chemical review status tracker to include active premanufacture, significant new use and microbial commercial activity notices for chemicals under EPA review.
Springfield, IL — A new Illinois law permits workers who have developed latent injuries or illnesses from on-the-job exposure to toxic substances to pursue legal judgments against employers beyond the previous statute of limitations.
Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency is adding 13 nonylphenol ethoxylates to its Toxics Release Inventory Program, which “tracks the management of listed toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to human health and the environment.”
Sacramento, CA – California lawmakers are moving forward with legislation that would require health care facilities to use scavenging systems to reduce “surgical plume" – toxic airborne contaminants that threaten surgical staff and patients.
Quincy, MA – A newly funded research project aims to determine if current methods are sufficient for removing toxins from firefighters’ personal protective equipment.