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Arlington, VA — The Mine Safety and Health Administration is reminding mine operators to safeguard against worker exposure to hazardous silica dust where mobile equipment is used.
Santa Ana, CA — California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health is “extremely motivated” to move forward on an emergency temporary standard on silica hazards for workers who handle engineered stone.
Washington — A new OSHA initiative is aimed at protecting workers in the engineered stone fabrication and installation industries from silica exposure.
The health hazards of respirable crystalline silica have been in the spotlight in mining, manufacturing and other industries. So, what is it – and what can be done to reduce worker exposure?
Washington — A Mine Safety and Health Administration proposed rule intended to reduce worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica “does not demand enough from operators,” Reps. Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Alma Adams (D-NC) claim.
San Francisco — A recent study of stone fabricators in California who have been diagnosed with silicosis shows that virtually all of them were immigrant, Latino men.
Washington — The Mine Safety and Health Administration has extended until Sept. 11 the comment period for a proposed rule on worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica.
Washington — The Mine Safety and Health Administration has scheduled public meetings on its recently published proposed rule on worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica.
Washington — The Mine Safety and Health Administration has announced a proposed rule on worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica in an effort to better protect miners from associated health hazards.
Melbourne, Australia — A recent study of stone countertop industry workers reveals an “alarmingly high” occurrence of silicosis, indicating that government-mandated screening tests may be inadequate to diagnose the disease.