Items Tagged with 'silica'



OSHA revises and renews NEP on silica

Washington — Effective Feb. 4, OSHA has revived its National Emphasis Program on respirable crystalline silica for general industry, maritime and construction to “identify and reduce or eliminate” silica-related hazards.
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Preventing silicosis

Silicosis is a severe chronic lung disease caused by inhaling crystalline silica. “Approximately 2.3 million workers are exposed to respirable crystalline silica in the workplace, including 2 million workers in construction and 300,000 workers in general industry, maritime and hydraulic fracturing,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

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Union leaders call for new MSHA silica standard

Washington — Alarmed by a recent spike in cases of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis, a deadly but preventable condition commonly known as black lung, union presidents Cecil Roberts of the United Mine Workers of America and Leo Gerard of United Steelworkers have sent a letter to Mine Safety and Health Administration leader David Zatezalo requesting stricter regulation of respirable silica dust.
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