


Keep it safe outdoors this winter

Tips for staying warm, preventing injuries and more
Being outdoors can add fun and adventure to any winter day. But whatever activity you choose – hiking, sledding, skiing, ice fishing or something else – you need to make sure you’re protected.
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Kids and concussions

Know the signs and symptoms
Kids can get concussions during all sorts of activities. Falling off a swing. Taking a tumble while climbing a tree. Even bumping their head on a wall while playing inside the house. Here’s what you need to know about spotting the symptoms of concussion.
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Safe at home plate – and beyond

Simple steps can help prevent injuries in organized baseball and softball
Organized baseball and softball offer many benefits to children and teens. The activity allows players to improve their fitness, build peer relationships, celebrate successes, confront failure and ultimately increase self-esteem. But with the game comes risk. From catching or throwing a ball to swinging a bat or sliding into a base, the sport requires a variety of motions that can make young athletes susceptible to injury.
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