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Washington — A total of 5,283 workers died from on-the-job injuries in 2023 – a 3.7% decrease from 2022, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data released Dec. 19 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.
Washington — The Department of Labor’s Fall 2024 regulatory agenda – released Dec. 13 and the last under the Biden administration – features only a few minor changes from the previous agenda.
We discuss content from the December issue of Safety+Health, including feature stories on OSHA’s Top 10 most cited standards and how safety professionals “sell” safety to leadership. Also, Tim Neubauer, joins us to discuss falls and how to protect workers in the “Five Questions With …” segment.
Washington — An OSHA final rule that requires personal protective equipment in the construction industry to properly fit each worker will go into effect Jan. 11.
Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency is set to publish a final rule intended to improve the efficiency” of the agency’s chemical review process and provide better information.
Washington — A Mine Safety and Health Administration final rule “offers more flexibility” for testing, evaluating and approving mine equipment and accessories powered by electric motors intended for use in gaseous environments.
Washington — OSHA has extended until Jan. 14 the comment period on a proposed rule aimed at protecting indoor and outdoor workers from heat-related illnesses.