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Chicago — Nearly two-thirds of the injuries and illnesses that occurred among Illinois miners from 2001 to 2013 were not reported to the Mine Safety and Health Administration, a recent study shows.
Washington — Public Citizen has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Labor and OSHA, alleging that the agencies illegally violated OSHA’s Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses final rule by denying requests the watchdog group submitted under the Freedom of Information Act.
Washington — Employers required to keep and maintain an OSHA 300 injury and illness log must publicly post their 300A summary sheet from Feb. 1 to April 30.
Park Ridge, IL – Systematic reporting of – and data collection on – work-related injuries, illnesses and fatalities remains deficient at “sustainable” organizations, according to a new report from the Center for Safety and Health Sustainability.
Washington – OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application will be available Aug. 1, allowing employers to electronically enter their required 2016 injury and illness data from Form 300A, the agency announced July 14.
Washington – OSHA is proposing to delay until Dec. 1 the compliance date for employers to electronically submit injury and illness data as part of the agency’s Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses final rule.
Washington – The Department of Labor and OSHA have an “identical” interest with labor unions in defending a legal challenge to the Improve Tracking of Workplace Illnesses and Injuries final rule, making union intervention unnecessary, attorneys representing DOL said in a legal brief issued May 30.