Protective clothing


High-visibility apparel

With such strict regulations on high-visibility apparel, how can a worker stay comfortable and compliant?
With such strict regulations on high-visibility apparel, how can a worker stay comfortable and compliant?
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Cold weather safety

What advice can safety managers share with workers about layering clothing appropriately so that they do not feel too cold or hot in the field? What fabric qualities should we look for when specifying FR garments for layering in cold weather?
What advice can safety managers share with workers about layering clothing appropriately so that they do not feel too cold or hot in the field? What fabric qualities should we look for when specifying FR garments for layering in cold weather?
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Protective clothing

Because protective clothing is often heavier than regular work wear, is it more likely to lead to heat stress for workers?
Although the type of garment/fabric is a contributing factor, research indicates that garments play a relatively minor role in reducing heat stress – especially when compared to work practices regarding proper hydration and rest breaks.
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