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A 67-year-old machine operator died from burns when a fire ignited between the engine and cab of a bulldozer. The victim had been working at the company as a full-time heavy equipment operator for about 30 years.
A 33-year-old equipment operator was killed after he was pulled beneath a 45-ton bulldozer. The victim worked for a company that employed about five full-time workers and hired approximately 70 additional contract laborers.
A 57-year-old farmer died of injuries he sustained when the tractor he was operating overturned while transporting a round hay bale. The victim was a self-employed mechanic and part-time farmer who had been farming the property his entire life.
A 45-year-old logger working as a choke setter in a skyline yarding operation was killed after being crushed by the skyline carriage. The logging operation was a standing skyline yarder system, where the skyline was spooled off the yarder and attached to a tailhold anchor at the back end of the unit.