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What are the biggest obstacles women face at work?

Photo: Deloitte Global

New York — Increased stress, long hours and apprehension about disclosing mental health concerns are some of the most pressing challenges affecting women in the workplace, according to a new report.

Financial firm Deloitte Global surveyed 5,000 women from 10 countries and seven business sectors. Here’s what they found out:

  • Half of the women said their stress levels have increased over the past year and they’re “concerned” or “very concerned” about their mental health.
  • 2 out of 3 don’t feel comfortable talking about mental health at work or disclosing mental health as a reason for taking time off. “Workplace culture can contribute to this reluctance, but it’s not the only explanation: Many women worry about discrimination or being laid off, and 1 in 10 have had negative experiences when discussing their mental health at work in the past,” the report states.
  • Around 25% reported feeling burned out, and only 43% said they get adequate mental health support from their employer – slightly up from 40% in 2023.
  • Among those who work overtime, only 24% are satisfied with their job and fewer than 1 out of 4 said their mental well-being or physical health/well-being is “good” or “very good.”
  • Nearly 40% said they experience high levels of pain associated with menopause and work through the symptoms.

The report features seven recommendations for employers to help:

  1. Understand what’s driving job-related stress and take action to remedy it.
  2. Build organizational policies that reflect the importance of women’s health, and create a culture in which women can speak openly about it and time off to address any issues.
  3. Work to understand and address women’s safety concerns at work.
  4. Establish family-friendly benefits and policies and focus on enabling work-life balance.
  5. Be aware of the impacts of return-to-office policies on women, then identify and address challenges.
  6. Address non-inclusive behaviors – and support women’s rights to speak up without concern.
  7. Be a gender equality leader to reap the benefits of recruiting and retaining women at work.

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