Heat stress State Plan states

California proposes revisions to Heat Illness Prevention Standard

Sacramento, CA – California is requesting public comment on proposed revisions to the state’s Heat Illness Prevention Standard (Section 3395).

Currently, California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health requires employers to provide employees with drinking water and shade when temperatures exceed 85° F and take additional precautionary measures when outdoor temperatures reach 95° F.

Proposed amendments to the standard would require employers to:

  • Provide pure, fresh drinking water at no cost and within 400 feet of where employees are working
  • Provide shade that can accommodate all workers on break and within 700 feet of where employees are working
  • Initiate high-heat procedures at 85° F instead of 95° F
  • Offer onsite first aid or emergency medical services to employees with heat illness symptoms before sending those employees home

The state’s Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board is scheduled to host a public meeting Sept. 25 in San Diego to receive public comments or proposals. Written comments may be submitted to [email protected] by Sept. 25.