Bipartisan Senate initiative wants your stories about regulation and red tape

Washington – Do you have thoughts on how regulations affect your business or industry? Now you can share those stories with the federal government.
The Senate Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Subcommittee has launched a bipartisan initiative – #CutRedTape – to collect the regulatory experiences of individuals and employers.
In particular, the subcommittee wants to hear how federal regulations make an impact on businesses, concerns about the process for updating or repealing old regulations, and whether regulations may have hampered or enhanced economic opportunities. The subcommittee will share the stories with the related federal agencies, and the Senate will identify regulations in need of reform, subcommittee Chair Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) said in a press release.
“One of our top priorities on our subcommittee is finding bipartisan solutions to cut red tape as needed and make federal regulations more efficient so they do work for families and businesses,” said Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), who along with Lankford is spearheading the initiative.