Campbell Institute white paper gives best practices for using leading indicators
The Campbell Institute at the National Safety Council has released a white paper providing employers with tips and best practices on implementing leading indicators.
The paper provides five recommendations for employers looking to implement leading indicators:
- Look at what is being measured and determine if it could be a leading indicator.
- Get started quickly instead of spending time deliberating.
- Ensure the leading indicators communicate meaningful and actionable information.
- Get leadership support.
- Integrate leading indicators into a safety management system.
“Campbell Institute members have world-class safety systems, so their insight regarding leading indicators is invaluable as we endeavor to make workplaces everywhere safer,” NSC President and CEO Deborah A.P. Hersman said in a press release.
The paper is the third in a series released by the institute, a center of excellence for environmental, health and safety management. Previous leading-indicator white papers focused on defining the term and ways to measure leading indicators.