NSC: 380 people could die in motor vehicle crashes over Memorial Day weekend

Itasca, IL — As many as 380 people may be killed and 43,300 seriously injured in motor vehicle-related crashes during the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, the National Safety Council estimates.
For the first time in four years, the council’s estimate is fewer than 400, “a nod to an overall leveling off of roadway deaths after the deadliest three-year period in a half century,” a May 20 press release from NSC states.
“Although we are experiencing a plateau in fatality trends, we are still losing an unacceptable number of people on our roadways, and this holiday may be no different,” Ken Kolosh, manager of statistics at NSC, said in the release. “If we pay attention, slow down and be courteous, we can increase our chances of making it to picnics, beaches and barbecues rather than emergency rooms.”
NSC offers these tips to help drivers stay safe on the road:
- Practice defensive driving. Buckle up; designate a sober driver or arrange alternative transportation; get plenty of sleep to avoid fatigue; and drive attentively, avoiding distractions.
- Recognize the dangers of drugged driving, including impairment from opioids.
- Stay engaged in your teen’s driving habits.
- Learn about your vehicle’s safety systems and how to use them.
- Make sure your car is safe and fix recalls immediately.