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Proving the Value of Safety


4/13/23 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm CST

Event Description

With concerns about an economy in decline and organizations across the world laying off employees and tightening budgets, it’s no surprise health and safety leaders are anxious about their valuable initiatives and programs remaining fully funded. How can you demonstrate the value of safety? Learn from safety leader Tim Page-Bottorff how to show the value of safety to your stakeholders in all that you do. During this webinar, you’ll learn why safety shouldn’t be a priority but a value. Tim will also share examples of value statements demonstrating safety’s importance. Additionally, he’ll share the six climate success factors that will help you to create a road map toward value. You’ll also learn what companies can do to achieve the six climate success factors. Tim will finish by explaining the difference between organizational learning and individual learning. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of the leaders of the safety and health industry – register today.


Tim Page-BottorffTim Page-Bottorff
Senior Consultant, SafeStart
Avetta Fellow

Tim’s career in safety began 30 years ago as a Marine during Operation Desert Storm, helping put out oil fires and liberate Kuwait. After leaving the Marine Corps, he became a full-time safety professional. Tim has received the prestigious Safety Professional of the Year award from the American Society of Safety Professionals. In 2018, he received the National Safety Council’s Distinguished Service to Safety Award to become the first safety pro to receive both awards. Tim has been on the global stage delivering keynotes for NSC and ASSP, as well as at many other conferences. He’s the author of “The Core of Four,” a motivational book to improve safety performance, self-discipline and personal accountability. Tim is considered to be a thought leader in the industry, and his opinions and counsel are always sought after.


Kevin DruleyKevin Druley
Associate Editor, Safety+Health magazine

Kevin covers worker safety for Safety+Health and serves as co-host of the magazine’s “On the Safe Side” podcast.