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Boston — A 2020 federal law that raised the age for purchasing tobacco products in the United States to 21 could save twice as many lives as previously believed, new research is showing.
Smoking, physical inactivity and other modifiable lifestyle factors may contribute to roughly half of cancer deaths among U.S. adults 30 and older, according to the results of a recent study.
Even if you’ve tried to quit smoking before to no avail, don’t give up. A new study shows that trying again right away could improve your odds of success.
If you live with someone who smokes tobacco, toxic chemicals aren’t just in the air you breathe – they accumulate on household items and surfaces, a group of researchers is warning.
Quitting smoking can be hard. The more you smoke, the Mayo Clinic says, the more nicotine your body craves to feel good. The clinic offers 10 things you can do to help fight cigarette cravings and kick the habit.
Chicago — If you smoke, you’re at greater risk of dying of heart disease than lung cancer – with fatal heart attacks and strokes often striking without prior warning, according to a recent study.
Washington — E-cigarette use among U.S. adult workers rose slightly in recent years, results of a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show.