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Washington — The Department of Labor has revised the Black Lung Benefits Act to require self-insured coal mine operators to “post adequate security for their benefit liabilities.”
Washington — A Mine Safety and Health Administration final rule “offers more flexibility” for testing, evaluating and approving mine equipment and accessories powered by electric motors intended for use in gaseous environments.
Arlington, VA — The recent entrapment of a coal mine bulldozer operator has prompted the Mine Safety and Health Administration to issue a safety alert.
Arlington, VA — An underground coal mine fire stemming from the injection of polyurethane foam into a roof cavity has prompted the Mine Safety and Health Administration to issue a safety alert.
Washington — Easing access to health care and other benefits for coal miners who have black lung disease can help remedy a “devastating” development in the mining community, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) says.
Washington — Aiming to identify cases of black lung disease in current and former miners, NIOSH will provide free, confidential health screenings in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
Washington — A long-anticipated Mine Safety and Health Administration final rule intended to reduce miners’ exposure to silica has been sent to the White House Office of Management and Budget for review.
Arlington, VA — MSHA describes four separate incidents that occurred between Sept. 26 and Oct. 16 in which workers were pinned between mobile equipment and a coal rib.
Washington — Democratic lawmakers have renewed their push to ease access to health care and other benefits for coal miners who have black lung disease.
Washington — A Mine Safety and Health Administration proposed rule intended to reduce worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica “does not demand enough from operators,” Reps. Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Alma Adams (D-NC) claim.