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Washington — A final, revised risk determination from the Environmental Protection Agency affirms that the potentially carcinogenic chemical substance 1,4-dioxane poses “unreasonable” risk to workers under certain conditions, including domestic manufacturing.
Barcelona, Spain — Around 9 out of 10 employees are in favor of laws that would allow them to disconnect from email and other communications after hours, according to a recent survey.
Washington — The Federal Railroad Administration wants to amend certain regulations to establish strict parameters and restrictions for three specific scenarios when Positive Train Control technology is temporarily not governing rail operations.
Washington — OSHA is accepting comments ahead of the 47th session of the United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals.
Fort Collins, CO — A team of researchers from Colorado State University is recruiting 100 active male wildland firefighters for a two-year study of the reproductive health effects of wildfire smoke.
Washington — Bureau of Labor Statistics staffers recently rediscovered a popular adage while searching through archives for the agency’s 140th anniversary: The more things change, the more they stay the same.
New York — Nearly 4 out of 5 retail workers have completed workplace violence prevention training, but only about half are confident they could deescalate a potentially violent situation, results of a recent survey show.
Denver — After bird flu is detected on dairy farms, collaboration between public health agencies and the impacted farm – as well as early distribution of personal protective equipment – may help protect farmworkers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.
Washington — OSHA’s final rule on fit requirements for personal protective equipment in construction is undergoing a final review by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.