

CPWR pg3

Construction safety group updates jobsite safety climate workbook

Silver Spring, MD – Noting that partnerships between construction management and employees “are most effective when they exist within a positive safety climate,” the Center for Construction Research and Training, also known as CPWR, has updated its workbook, "Strengthening Jobsite Safety Climate by Using and Improving Leading Indicators."
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Protecting the workforce from Zika

Protecting the workforce from Zika

Although the Zika virus has been in the news for much of 2016, many questions remain about the different ways it can be transmitted. On July 20, the National Safety Council, together with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and NIOSH, attempted to answer those questions.
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Scientific academy calls for new paradigm on preventing COPD

Bologna, Italy – Occupational safety and health professionals have underemphasized the significance of exposures to vapors, gases, dusts and fumes that may lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in workers, international scientific academy Collegium Ramazzini claims in a statement released July 19.
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