Safety culture



No cellphones while driving

Looking to increase worker safety, employers are enacting policies banning use of electronic devices behind the wheel
As part of their efforts to increase worker safety, more employers are enacting policies that ban the use of electronic devices behind the wheel. What are some key elements of a cellphone policy?
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Safe at any age

Effective messaging for a multigenerational workforce
Today’s workforce includes four generations of workers who grew up in different eras and bring a variety of experience, knowledge and cultures to the job. How can safety pros deliver messaging that effectively reaches this diverse group?
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Campbell award

'Wholly committed' to safety

USG Corp. is the latest recipient of the Robert W. Campbell Award
USG Corp. is the latest recipient of the Robert W. Campbell Award, presented annually by the Campbell Institute at the National Safety Council to an organization that successfully integrates EHS management with business operations.
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talking safety

Speaking of safety

Changing the atmosphere around safety conversations
Why does safety advice – whether offered by a safety pro or discussed between co-workers on the front line – often fall on deaf ears? Four experts spoke with Safety+Health about “changing the atmosphere” around safety conversations.
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