Workplace Solutions



Respirator decisions

What factors will help me determine the correct respirator needed for a specific job?
What factors will help me determine the correct respirator needed for a specific job?
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Noise in the workplace

We have some 10- and 12-hour work shifts. How do we account for the longer noise exposure times under OSHA reporting requirements, and should we be adjusting our criteria for determining which employees should be included in our hearing conservation program?
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Heat: worksite, Ergodyne

Avoiding heat stress

What is the best prevention strategy to help workers avoid heat stress?
Planning and preparedness are no longer luxuries, but necessities, when it comes to preventing heat-related illnesses.
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Electrical hazards and footwear

What should I know about purchasing safety boots that can stand up to electrical hazards?
Footwear safety is paramount for skilled craft trades across the board. One small misstep or incident can result in varying levels of injury, causing lost time and compromised well-being.
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Glove allergy

Preventing glove allergies

Some of our workers seem to have allergies to the gloves they are wearing. They are using either latex or vinyl disposable gloves. What is causing these problems and how can they be prevented?
Some of our workers seem to have allergies to the gloves they are wearing. What is causing these problems and how can they be prevented?
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