NACOSH workgroup on temporary worker safety to host four meetings

Washington – An OSHA workgroup tasked with examining temporary worker safety issues is scheduled to meet monthly through November, the agency announced Aug. 18.
The National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health’s Temporary Workers Work Group is slated to convene in Washington on Aug. 24, Sept. 21, Oct. 16 and Nov. 20. The group is developing recommendations – including best practice language for injury and illness prevention programs to protect temporary workers – for NACOSH to consider passing along to OSHA.
The meetings are open to the public. Stakeholders interested in attending the meetings via teleconference, submitting written comments or making an oral statement should send an email to [email protected] no later than the day before each meeting.
NACOSH comprises representatives from labor, management, the occupational safety and health profession, and the public.