BLS: Despite decrease in lost-worktime rate, injury severity may be on the rise

Washington – Although the overall rate of occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work fell in 2014, the number of median days needed to recuperate increased, according to a Nov. 19 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In 2014, 107.1 injury and illness cases per 10,000 full-time workers resulted in days away from work; the rate was 109.4 in 2013. For private industry alone, the rate remained relatively unchanged at 97.8.
Despite the decline in the total rate, the number of median days away from work increased to 9 in 2014 from 8 in 2013 for the overall workforce. BLS considers this a “key measure” of injury and illness severity.
The days-away-from-work incident rate for falls on the same level in the private industry also increased – to 16.6 in 2014 from 15.4 the previous year.
Other key figures from the report:
- 1.16 million injuries resulting in days away from work occurred in 2014.
- The rate of musculoskeletal disorders declined to 33.8 in 2014 from 35.8 the previous year.
- Women accounted for 39 percent of the total cases involving days away from work in 2014 but had a greater share of incidence rates related to falls, violence and repetitive motion.