NSC announces recipient of 2022 Robert F. Borkenstein Award

Itasca, IL — The Alcohol, Drugs and Impairment Division of the National Safety Council has named Jerry Landau the recipient of the 2022 Robert F. Borkenstein Award.
The award, named for the inventor of the Breathalyzer, recognizes individuals who, through a lifetime of service, have made outstanding contributions to the field of alcohol- and drug-related traffic safety.
Landau is recognized for his career spanning more than 40 years as a litigator, judge, legislative consultant and educator. His dedication, knowledge and expertise have made him a leader in the criminal justice and legislative community, allowing him to save lives by advancing safety policies and practices that prevent drug and alcohol impairment.
“Jerry’s sincere commitment to the safety and well-being of all roadway users is admirable,” said Tracey Scruggs, program manager for awards at NSC. “His impact is far-reaching, and he continues to inspire peers and blaze trails for emerging safety heroes in his space.”
Landau has served the Alcohol, Drugs and Impairment Division for 30 years, including as both vice chair and chair of the then Committee on Alcohol and Other Drugs, and as the longtime chair of the Legal Factors Section. Last month, he retired as senior consultant to the Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts and currently serves as a judge pro tempore.