Safety culture Performance measurement Leadership

2024 CEOs Who "Get It"

2024 CEOs Who Get It
Jim Rugg

Jim Rugg

AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear
Oak Ridge, TN

AtkinsRéalis is one of the world’s most respected design engineering and project management consultancies. Its US Nuclear Sector is a leading provider of specialized, technology-based, facility-cleared and other nuclear services to government customers, with strengths in nuclear operations, process design engineering, waste management and high-level waste technologies. For more than 27 years, AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear and its predecessor companies have solved some of the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration’s toughest cleanup and decommissioning challenges.

Notable accomplishments

  • In every meeting, initiates discussions on safety, quality and integrity, and actively contributes to the planning and execution of safety-related activities and initiatives.
  • Regularly visits projects to ensure the safe and effective execution of work. During these onsite visits, actively participates in safety walkarounds and engages in the Behavior Interaction Program, established to foster engagement between management and employees in daily activities with the goal of improving safety performance.
  • Values openness and transparency, and fosters an environment that promotes open communication, where employees feel comfortable reporting safety concerns, incidents, and instances of good catches or near misses. To facilitate this, has established a dedicated link and email address called “Ask Jim,” which is accessible to all employees.
Jim Rugg

Describe your personal journey to becoming a CEO who “gets it.”

My journey to becoming a CEO is quite unique. My early career began in environmental, safety and health, where I learned leadership principles and how to positively influence the right behaviors. This position set the stage for how I wanted to lead teams. Through this experience, I learned that to be successful, you must be present every day and have meaningful conversations with every member of the team. Some of the most hazardous parts of the job are when people are left to decide what to do on their own. I built a foundation that incorporates the ideas of others to build a strong safety culture. I was the project manager when we achieved over 28 million hours without a lost-time injury. My leadership team and I focused on being in the field, observing, listening and doing everything we could to enable success for our workforce.

A CEO who “gets it” must also possess certain qualities and attributes. I had to be a strategic thinker with a clear vision, hold strong leadership and people skills, and prioritize building high-performing teams while fostering a positive company culture.

I learned the hard-earned skills of resilience and adaptability from setbacks that developed my ability to persevere in the face of challenges. My personal journey taught me to embrace failure and that taking calculated risks is vital for innovation and growth to an individual and to an organization. Ethical leadership is crucial, and I learned to prioritize ethical decision-making and consider the impact of my actions on stakeholders. Additionally, my commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement was key for me to be an effective leader. Effective leadership means understanding the value of empathy and emotional intelligence in building strong relationships with employees, customers and business partners. I believe that giving back to the community is a social responsibility and should be a big part of the company’s mission. Finally, although being a CEO often requires significant dedication, CEOs who “get it” understand the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout and set a positive example for their employees. Everyone must take time to revive and recover in order to thrive.

Why is safety a core value at AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear?

Safety must always be a fundamental principle at any organization, particularly given the nature of the work we do. It serves to safeguard our personnel, fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities, boost productivity and morale, enhance reputation and trust, reduce costs, and contribute to long-term sustainability.

At AtkinsRéalis, safety is not merely a priority but a foundational core value that steers all our endeavors, from daily operations to long-term strategizing. We recognize that safety is indispensable for success and are committed to upholding the highest standards to ensure the safety, security and well-being of everyone within our company. Every day, we center our efforts on our core values, which reflect how we interact, communicate and conduct ourselves internally, as well as how we engage with our clients and stakeholders. Our core values:

Safety – We place safety at the core of our activities to protect individuals, assets and the environment.

Integrity – We consistently do the right thing and hold ourselves accountable for our actions.

Collaboration – We unite to embrace each other’s unique contributions, delivering outstanding results for all.

Quality – We strive to do everything right the first time, minimizing rework and maximizing efficiency. We follow procedures, identify and current issues, and monitor trends to avoid repeating the same mistakes. We focus on continuous improvement and document lessons learned to provide value.

Innovation – We redefine engineering by thinking boldly, proudly and differently.

What’s the biggest obstacle to safety at AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear?

In 2021, following the COVID-19 pandemic and the return of employees to the workplace, we made the decision to introduce a psychological safety initiative. Through conversations with our staff, it became apparent that our company needed to place a greater emphasis on prioritizing psychological safety to improve communication, trust and stress management; eliminate the fear of speaking up; and benefit from the positive effects phycological safety has on team dynamics, productivity, creativity and innovation. Our goal was to establish an environment where employees feel psychologically secure, enabling them to openly communicate about potential safety concerns, near misses and actively participate in safety protocols. The absence of psychological safety can result in individuals being hesitant to express their concerns or share crucial information, which could impede our ability to effectively recognize and address safety issues and become aware of great ideas. Therefore, nurturing psychological safety within our organization was imperative in establishing a workplace culture where safety is given priority and actively upheld.

How do you instill a sense of safety on an ongoing basis?

Nurturing a culture of safety among employees is an ongoing endeavor that incorporates a variety of fundamental tactics:

Thorough training: We deliver comprehensive safety training programs designed to furnish employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and address potential hazards. Mandatory job-specific training is provided, and we offer access to over 100 online safety training resources as well as more than a dozen mental health-related courses in our organization’s Learning-Zone for employees seeking further instruction. We firmly believe in strengthening employee development and are committed to covering the costs of certifications and additional training.

Open communication: We actively promote open dialogue and feedback on safety concerns and employee suggestions. We have established communication channels for employees to express observations and propose enhancements. Our Good Catch Program was established to promote a proactive approach to identifying unsafe conditions, behaviors and process improvements. Submissions to this program lead to the detection and mitigation of hidden and active weaknesses throughout the workplace. Taking action to prevent issues before they arise is a critical aspect of maintaining safety as a top priority. In 2023, we received 110 Good Catch submissions. Additionally, we have a dedicated website and email address called “Ask Jim,” where I take the time to personally respond to each question.

Culture of safety: We cultivate an environment where safety is the concern of every individual, and we acknowledge and reward both individuals and teams for their dedication to upholding a secure work setting. We have implemented two reward programs to encourage safety awareness: the WOW award for outstanding contributions and gift cards for Good Catch submitters.

Continuous enhancement: We routinely evaluate and revise our safety protocols and programs to address new obstacles, industry guidelines and advancing best practices.

Setting the standard: Our leadership leads by example by actively showcasing a commitment to safety and establishing a high benchmark for employees to follow.

By integrating these components into our daily operations and endeavors, we ensure safety continues to be a primary focus of our organizational culture, fostering a positive atmosphere for all employees.

How does AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear measure safety?

AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear has developed an integrated safety management index for monitoring both leading and lagging indicators. Each year, specific metrics are identified for tracking, with each metric being assigned a weighted score. The leading indicators that are monitored include:

Good catch/near-miss reporting, which is used to assess potential hazards and prevent future incidents.

Safety training participation, which is tracked to ensure employees are actively engaged in following safety protocols.

Employee surveys, conducted twice a year to evaluate employee perceptions and identify areas for improvement.

Corrective actions and condition reports, used to identify, document and rectify conditions that pose risks to health, safety, the public or the environment, as well as potential vulnerabilities.

Regular completion of safety inspections and assessments.

Behavior interaction program, which involves recording conversations with individuals or teams during work activities. The BIP is aimed at engaging management and employees in daily activities to enhance safety performance, recognize safe behaviors, identify trends and prevent future incidents.

As part of our ongoing improvement efforts, the safety team has acknowledged that our Lessons Learned Program is not being used to its full potential. This year, we will be launching an initiative to overhaul the program. This will involve introducing updated forms and establishing an online lessons learned library featuring keyword search functions, with the goal of promoting the sharing of lessons across different projects and operations.

What roles do off-the-job safety, mental health and well-being play in AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear’s overall safety program?

The safety and mental health of our employees are crucial aspects of our organization’s comprehensive safety program. Our dedication to off-the-job safety involves various initiatives aimed at encouraging employees to prioritize safety in their daily lives, whether at home, during their commute, while engaging in activities or at work. We actively promote safety practices outside the workplace by addressing home-related safety topics, maintaining regular communication and incorporating employee-suggested topics into our newsletters. By encouraging safe habits beyond the workplace, our goal is to mitigate injuries and incidents that could adversely affect the well-being of our employees. AtkinsRéalis places a strong emphasis on mental health and well-being by offering training, resources, support and awareness programs that advocate mental wellness and resilience. To further support our employees, we have established a partnership with ComPsych to deliver a comprehensive employee assistance program that is accessible to employees, their spouses and dependents. This program includes six free consultations per individual per issue and provides 24/7 access to a health advocate for mental health benefits.

We joined forces with the National Council for Behavioral Health to deliver comprehensive training in mental health first aid. Through a four-hour course hosted by NCBH, participants acquired the skills to recognize, comprehend and respond to signs of mental health issues. This initiative empowered individuals to offer support to their colleagues, family members and friends, fostering a workplace environment that prioritizes mental well-being and compassion, thereby enhancing our organization as a whole. Additionally, participants gained insights into caring for their own well-being – both at work and at home – and developed an action plan for addressing non-crisis and crisis scenarios. As a result, AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear now boasts 26 certified mental health first-aid responders. Furthermore, our annual Safety Week serves as a platform for encouraging employees to contribute to a psychologically safe work culture as an integral part of their daily routines. This weeklong campaign featured various activities and exercises designed to demonstrate how individuals can positively influence workplace interactions. Notably, the event in 2023 included a webinar on building trust, which focused on the principles of empathy, honesty and reliability. Together, we learned to embrace a work environment that values listening and learning, respects the input of all team members, promotes curiosity, and empowers everyone to actively contribute to creating a safe workplace.

Every year, we distribute several best-practice newsletters covering a range of topics, such as mental health, physical health and essential safety information. These newsletters feature the latest safety updates; advice on improving overall well-being; methods for integrating new strategies; and the benefits of practices such as yoga, meditation, healthy eating and enhancing personal connections. We understand that our employees are pivotal in driving positive change and play a crucial role in fostering a secure environment at AtkinsRéalis. Our pledge is to promote the health and welfare of our workforce and prioritize safety as a fundamental aspect of our operations.


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