MSHA: Mining fatalities, injuries in 2012 hit record low

Arlington, VA – Mining fatality and injury rates hit a record low in 2012, according to final data released July 10 by the Mine Safety and Health Administration.
MSHA said 36 miners died in work incidents last year, as well as five contractors. The fatality rate was 0.0110 deaths per 200,000 hours worked, and injuries occurred at a rate of 2.56 per 200,000 hours worked. Both figures represent the lowest rates since MSHA began tabulating them in 1983.
The number of citations and orders issued by the agency decreased 11 percent in 2012 – to 139,770 from 156,802 in 2011.
The final figures differ slightly from preliminary data released in April, which showed 35 deaths and a fatality rate of 0.0107.