Proposed rule would update OSHA standards
In a move OSHA said would update and remove inconsistent or duplicative standards, the agency has issued a proposed rule (.pdf file) that would revise or eliminate requirements in several standards.
The Standards Improvement Project -- Phase III affects many standards, from those in general industry to construction and maritime. Some changes would be more cosmetic, such as altering the title of Subpart E in the general industry standards (29 CFR Part 1910) from "Means of Egress" to "Exit Routes and Emergency Planning."
Other changes would clarify employer responsibilities by eliminating confusing language. For example, language explaining the trigger levels for monitoring in the general industry lead standard (1910.1025) is clarified: The standard currently says certain monitoring is required when levels are "above" the permissible exposure limit, and the proposed changes would tweak that requirement to when levels are "at or above" the PEL.
Comments on the proposed rule are being accepted until Sept. 30.
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