Items Tagged with 'Healthy eating'



Eat the rainbow

We all know fruits and vegetables do our bodies good. But did you know that different colors of fruits and vegetables have specific health benefits? By including a variety of them on your plate – called “eating the rainbow” – you can make sure you’re getting the illness-fighting nutrients you need to help your body function at its best.
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eating at desk

Promoting healthy eating at work

Has your workplace considered starting a healthy eating program? According to the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety, “When a workplace can help employees to make wise food choices, as part of a workplace health program, it can influence the person’s long-term health and wellness.
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Employee wellness

Poor eating habits and lack of physical activity are the major contributing factors to being overweight or obese in the United States, according to the World Health Organization. If people made the choices to eat better, engage in more physical activity and quit smoking, at least 80 percent of all heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes – and up to 40 percent of cancer – could be prevented, WHO says.
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