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Washington — Department of Labor Inspector General Larry Turner and Department of Transportation Inspector General Eric Soskin are among more than a dozen IGs reportedly dismissed by President Donald Trump in recent days.
Washington — Legislative action is needed to clarify the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s authority to issue mine closure orders, the Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General states in its semiannual report to Congress.
Washington – OSHA has stated that it will change some of the processes in its Voluntary Protection Programs, after a Department of Labor Office of Inspector General audit uncovered several weaknesses in recording and reporting systems involving contract workers.
Washington – OSHA needs to work more efficiently to ensure employers are reducing or eliminating hazards, the Department of Labor Office of Inspector General recommended in its semiannual report to Congress.
Washington – OSHA needs to do more to ensure employers correct hazards that are identified during inspections, according to a recent audit from the Department of Labor Office of Inspector General.
Washington – OSHA continues to lack means to measure the effectiveness of its programs and struggles with how best to use its limited resources, according to a report from the Department of Labor Office of Inspector General.
Washington – Incorrect telephone numbers in mine emergency response plans could hinder rescue operations, according to an alert memorandum issued Oct. 9 by the Department of Labor Office of Inspector General.
Washington – OSHA’s rulemaking process, interpretive guidance and policy memos may be evaluated this year by the Department of Labor Office of Inspector General.
Washington – The Department of Labor Office of Inspector General is currently conducting audits of three OSHA programs, with two other audits planned, OIG stated in its semiannual report to Congress.
Washington – OSHA may not be effectively targeting employers, while the Mine Safety and Health Administration struggles with maintaining experienced enforcement staff, the Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General claims in its semiannual report to Congress, released Dec. 1.