Injury prevention


roof--Top 10_Oct13

Suspension trauma: After the fall

Imagine this scenario: A construction worker is replacing shingles on the roof of a two-story house 20 feet above ground. He loses his footing and slips, falling off the roof. He’s wearing a fall-arrest system, and as a result is saved from death. But he’s not out of danger yet.
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A better understanding of carpal tunnel syndrome

What is carpal tunnel syndrome, and where is the carpal tunnel? Mayo Clinic explains: The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway located on the palm-side of your wrist that “protects a main nerve to your hand and the nine tendons that bend your fingers.” Carpal tunnel syndrome results from compressing this nerve, which produces “numbness, tingling and, eventually, hand weakness.”
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Struck-by incidents in the construction industry: Know the risks

Construction sites are busy and full of potential dangers. One of these dangers is struck-by incidents. In 2013, more than 17,100 construction workers were injured – and 84 workers died – in struck-by incidents, according to the 2016 edition of the chartbook “Injury Facts,” produced by the National Safety Council.
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Welding fume hazards

Welding processes are classified into two groups: fusion welding, which is heat alone, and pressure welding, which uses heat and pressure. Fusion welding involves three types: electric arc, gas and thermit.
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Elevating work platforms

Commonly used in the construction industry, elevating work platforms are a valuable tool for workers who need to work at height. But as with any machinery, EWPs must be operated correctly to keep workers safe.
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Keep safe lifting a priority

Lifting and carrying objects is common for many workers across the country. But training is important. If performed improperly, lifting and carrying items can lead to injuries.
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Don’t ignore shoulder pain

In 2012, more than 68,000 cases involving days away from work occurred due to shoulder injuries, according to the National Safety Council chartbook, “Injury Facts.” Shoulder injuries can seriously affect a worker’s life. The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation states that pain is the most common symptom of a shoulder injury, with other symptoms including stiffness, a “locking” sensation, and numbness or tingling down the arm.

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The dangers of wood chippers

Wood chippers and shredders are powerful machines. Ohio State University cautions that the knives used in wood chippers as well as in shredders can easily slice through fresh wood, and the engines are powerful enough to grind tree limbs and entire branches.
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