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Washington – Falls – many involving ladders – are a leading cause of workplace injuries, according to a NIOSH study published April 25 in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Glasgow, Scotland – Experts on safely working at height will be available to answer questions via a Twitter symposium scheduled to take place April 16.
San Diego – Describing a recent increase of worker deaths in the communications industry as “unacceptable,” OSHA administrator David Michaels stressed the need for proper safety precautions.
Washington – In response to recent deaths related to communication tower collapses, OSHA has sent a letter to industry employers urging adherence to safety standards.
Washington – Using features such as parapets and guardrails on roofs during construction could help prevent falls among workers, according to a new NIOSH publication.
Brooklyn, NY – Latino and immigrant workers are disproportionately killed in falls at construction sites in New York state, according to a new report from the advocacy group Center for Popular Democracy.
Durham, NC – The incidence of falls from heights among union carpenters in Washington state dropped more than 80 percent from 1998 to 2008, according to a new study from Duke University.
Kansas City, MO – Construction sites throughout four Midwest states will be participating in an OSHA-sponsored safety stand-down Sept. 3 to raise awareness about fall hazards.