Workplace exposures



Compliance with coal-dust rule ‘highly achievable,’ MSHA says

Arlington, VA – Coal mine dust samples taken after the Mine Safety and Health Administration implemented a rule to prevent deadly diseases known as “black lung” suggest that compliance is “highly achievable,” the agency announced April 23 during a hearing of the House Workforce Protections Subcommittee.
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Cal/OSHA issues guidance, Q&A, on updated heat rules

Sacramento, CA – The California Department of Industrial Relations has issued a new guidance document to help familiarize employers on the state’s updated heat illness prevention rules, which are set to go into effect May 1.
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Study links post-9/11 work to autoimmune diseases

New York – People who performed prolonged work at the site of the 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attack may have an increased risk for developing autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, according to a study from Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
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