Job satisfaction among OSHA, DOL employees improves

Photo: Partnership for Public Service
Washington – OSHA employee satisfaction increased in 2014, according to an annual survey that ranks federal agencies.
Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, compiled data from a federal employee satisfaction survey to create the 2014 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government report, the results of which were released Dec. 9.
In the 2014 survey, OSHA ranked 113 out of 315 subcomponent agencies. Its overall score was 61.6, putting OSHA above the median. In 2013, the agency scored 58.4 – below the median.
OSHA’s score increased in most categories, including effective leadership, pay and work-life balance. The agency's scores fell in three categories: support for diversity, strategic management and leadership’s fairness.
Likewise, the Mine Safety and Health Administration improved its score (65.1 in 2014, up from 56.8 in 2013). MSHA ranked 76th, and its score put it in the upper quartile of subcomponent agencies.
The Department of Labor as a whole ranked 10 out of 19 large agencies. It improved its score from 55.6 to 58.7 over the past year.