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Washington — OSHA has issued technical corrections and amendments to 27 standards and regulations to address “minor misprints, omissions, outdated references, and tabular and graphic inaccuracies.”
Washington — OSHA has issued corrections for its Walking-Working Surfaces, Personal Protective Equipment and Special Industries standards to remove “typographical, formatting and clerical errors,” publishing a final rule in the Dec. 17 Federal Register.
The General Duty Clause is intended to be used as OSHA’s catchall for regulating workplace hazards – but first the agency must satisfy a difficult four-part test.
Washington — OSHA has issued a temporary enforcement policy for the construction industry after being informed by the Sanford, FL-based Crane Institute Certification that the organization no longer is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency, as required under section 1926.1427(d) of OSHA’s Cranes and Derricks in Construction Standard.
Safety+Health presents the data on OSHA’s “Top 10” for fiscal year 2019. Also: An exclusive Q&A with Patrick Kapust, deputy director of the agency’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs.
Washington — The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Services Workers Act (H.R. 1309) passed out of the House Nov. 21 by a 251-159 vote.
Washington — OSHA’s Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health has scheduled a teleconference/WebEx meeting for Sept. 9 to discuss potential changes to beryllium regulations, according to a notice published in the Aug. 8 Federal Register.