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Washington – A year ago, three U.S. senators introduced a bill that would have made it a crime for corporate officers to conceal an action or product that could cause harm to workers or consumers.
Arlington, VA – A proposed rule from the Mine Safety and Health Administration is calling for proximity detection systems to be included on mobile machines in underground coal mines.
Washington – A group of senators has proposed new legislation that would require commercial airlines to carry epinephrine auto-injectors to help protect passengers with severe allergies.
Washington – President Barack Obama should veto proposed funding legislation that would cut OSHA’s budget, 76 advocacy groups urged in an Aug. 5 letter.
Washington – A new final rule from the Federal Railroad Administration is aimed at preventing unattended trains carrying crude oil and other highly flammable contents from rolling away.
Oakland, CA – California officials are touting the success of recent workers’ compensation reforms following the release of a report showing increased payments to workers and savings for employers.