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Washington – Five years after the tragedy at Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia killed 29 workers, the Mine Safety and Health Administration has made strides to prevent similar incidents but still needs more tools, MSHA chief Joseph A. Main said during an April 23 hearing.
Washington – Employers would have an opportunity to abate certain OSHA violations before being subject to a fine, under legislation introduced April 22 by Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO).
Washington – The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs on April 3 completed its review of OSHA’s Confined Spaces in Construction Standard, paving the way for the final rule to move forward.
Washington – The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee has approved a markup bill (S. 650) that would delay, by five years, a requirement for railroads to implement Positive Train Control.
Washington – A group of senators has introduced legislation intended to strengthen safety standards for rail cars that haul volatile crude oil across the country.
Charleston, WV – Lawmakers in West Virginia passed a bill that will revise several mining laws within the state but is drawing criticism from safety advocates.
Washington – Republican leaders on March 2 introduced legislation that they hope will clarify employers’ rights to offer incentives to workers participating in wellness programs.