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Itasca, IL — Improving methods of tracking musculoskeletal disorders, continuously monitoring and assessing physical risk factors, and sharing best practices can help workplace MSD prevention programs have real impact.
Waterloo, Ontario — The University of Waterloo’s Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders recently released three collections of resources focused on preventing MSDs.
Itasca, IL — The vast majority of the organizations that took the National Safety Council’s MSD Pledge receive regular feedback from frontline workers about reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
Rosemont, IL — In light of data showing that about 1 in 4 working adults have low back pain, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons is offering tips to strengthen and protect the back.
Edmonton, Alberta — A recent study of workers’ compensation claims filed by workers in long-term care facilities shows that the majority involved care aides and musculoskeletal injuries.
Itasca, IL — The National Safety Council has awarded $274,000 in grants to nine organizations in an effort to advance new safety technologies aimed at reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
Washington — An OSHA standard on safe patient handling and mobility could reduce musculoskeletal disorders among health care workers, the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society says in a new policy statement.
Columbus, OH — Cognitive dissonance “may be a previously unidentified risk factor” for neck and low-back pain among workers who perform lifting and lowering tasks, results of a recent study show.