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Washington – As part of a campaign to help prevent skin cancer, Acting Surgeon General Boris Lushniak on Aug. 13 shared tips on how outdoor workers and employers can protect against sun damage.
Washington – At least 83 workers in the United States died between 2003 and 2010 because of incidents involving insects, arachnids and mites, according to a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Gladstone, MO – Bacterial toxins in hen houses can lead to airway irritation, inflammation and decreased lung function among workers in the egg industry, according to a report from the Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply.
Washington – The Environmental Protection Agency is seeking comment on whether renovation, repair and painting activities in public and commercial buildings create lead-based health hazards.
Aberystwyth, U.K. – Fist-bumping transmits significantly fewer bacteria between people than either handshaking or high-fiving, according to a recent study from the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences at Aberystwyth University.
Atlanta – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a publication that focuses on infertility issues, including the role of workplace exposures, in men and women.
Washington – Coal miners seeking benefits under the Black Lung Benefits Act wait hundreds of days for their cases to be heard, despite government efforts to speed up the process, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) claimed during a July 22 hearing of the Senate Employment and Workplace Safety Subcommittee.
Washington – The Environmental Protection Agency has reissued a warning to home improvement contractors and air-conditioning technicians about using flammable refrigerants.