Seasonal safety: Summer



Avoiding dog bites

Man’s best friend can be an occupational hazard for outdoor workers
Outdoor workers occasionally encounter animals when they’re on the job. The Humane Society and U.S. Postal Service provide guidelines on how to avoid dog attacks and bites.
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tip evac plan

Preparing employees for emergency situations

Do your employees know what to do in the event of a fire or a tornado? What about a nearby chemical spill or a gunman in the building?, a FEMA website aimed at educating people about preparing and responding to emergencies, urges all employers to train workers on evacuation, sheltering and lockdown procedures.
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Heat stress

How can workers prevent heat stress before it begins?
Longer hours and increasing climate levels are transforming work zones into dangerous heat zones. Ignoring early warning signs such as heat discomfort, sweating or thirst can lead to heat-related illness, including heat stroke and death.
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Working in the heat

In the sun

If you work outside, do so safely and know your body’s limits.
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