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OSHA crowns ‘Beat the Heat’ contest winners


Photo: OSHA

Washington — OSHA has announced the winners of its national competition challenging stakeholders to submit the best tools and resources on the dangers of heat exposure – indoors and outdoors – at work.

With its Beat the Heat contest, the agency is seeking to “educate workers and employers about workplace heat hazards, raise industry and general public awareness of the dangers excessive heat presents to workers, and motivate employers and workers to act to prevent heat illness.”

Nearly 200 entries were submitted by organizations from 40 states, the District of Columbia and Guam.

“A panel of experts judged submissions against criteria such as innovation, creativity, strength of message, best non-English language entry and indoor heat emphasis,” an OSHA press release states.

To view the winning entries, go to OSHA’s contest webpage. Information on protecting workers from heat illness and injury is available at osha.gov/heat.

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