Items Tagged with 'Heat Illness'



Work safely in the heat: What you need to know

Heat-related illnesses accounted for 783 worker deaths and nearly 70,000 serious injuries in the United States from 1992 to 2016. And in 2018 alone, 3,950 workers experienced days away from work as a result of nonfatal injuries and illnesses from on-the-job heat exposure.
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Trends in ... heat protection

Not all work environments are 'created equal'
"Under OSHA law, employers are responsible for providing workplaces free of known safety hazards," OSHA's "Water. Rest. Shade." heat illness prevention campaign page states. "This includes protecting workers from extreme heat." 
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Working in the heat

Safety amid the swelter

Be vigilant to prevent heat-related illnesses, injuries
During the summer months, outdoor workers are at heightened risk of heat-related illnesses, ranging from mild heat rash to potentially deadly heatstroke. “It’s not like you just provide them water and that solves the problem,” one expert says. “It starts with an effective plan.”
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